Signing up for tuition or additional classes seem to be more of a norm than a necessity these days.
With the influx of students and parents wanting additional help beyond lessons in school, more and more tuition centres have sprung up to offer their services (with most proclaiming that they are able to deliver results).
So how do you choose a good tuition centre that is suitable for your child? Well, to answer that question, you will have to first answer the next.
Does Your Child Really Need Tuition in The First Place?
Unfortunately, this is a question only you have the answer to. It’s important to think through it thoroughly and eliminate all social/peer pressure. Make sure you think hard about what’s best for your child rather than what other parents are doing for their children.
Signing up for tuition is a long-term commitment. The payoff will only be high in the long-run. However, in the meantime, it can be financially taxing for you and mentally draining for your child. Hence, we recommend only considering having tuition if your child is struggling to grasp important concepts in school or is lagging behind.
What are The Types of Tuition Available?
There are different types of tuition in Singapore. Your child will have to find out what exactly he/she wants to address before deciding where to seek help from. Here are some external channels your child can seek help from:
Tuition Centres
These are similar to a classroom setting in school. It can be located at heartland malls, shopping centres or even at community centres. The class size could range from 5 to 30 students per class.
Private Tutors
These are tutors who conduct lessons at their own home. This means that your child will have to travel to the tutor’s house for lessons. The class size could range from 2 to 10 students.
Home Tutors
These are private tutors who will travel to your house. The benefit of home tuition is not only that it is more convenient for your child, but it would also mean that it will be 1-on-1 tuition. However, it can be more expensive.
Why You Would Want to Choose a Tuition Centre?
Lessons that take place in a tuition centre are usually in a group setting, ranging between 5 and 30 students per class. Group tuition encourages collaborative learning. Your child will have the chance to share their knowledge with their classmates and exchange pointers to help them understand the subject better. Attending a group-centric lesson in a tuition centre allows your child to improve their social skills. They can even form their own study group outside tuition hours.
How Do You Choose a Good Tuition Centre?
It’s really simple actually. Consider these 5 factors and weigh out which factors that more important to you. Ideally, you want a tuition centre that fairs well in all 5 factors but in a real-world, that might be hard to find. These 5 factors are:
Factor #1: Credibility (The Tuition Centre’s Background)
This is definitely a must-know for you as a parent. You don’t want to engage a tuition centre which is not qualified in the first place. You HAVE to do some research on their credentials before making any decision. Here are two important things to look out for when looking into a tuition centre’s background:
The Tuition Centre’s Experience in The Subject Matter
There should be certification provided by the tuition centre to certify that they are specialised in the field that they are intending to teach.
The Tuition Centre’s Experience in Teaching
Just because a tuition centre has experience in the subject matter, it does not mean that he/she is able to teach. Check for the number of years of teaching experience they have under their belt.
Even if a tutor in a tuition centre has a National Institute of Education (NIE) certification, it does not necessarily mean that he/she is able to teach well. An example is that all school teachers have the NIE certification but there are still students who are seeking external help. Check for the number of years of experience. That would be a more reliable metric.
Factor #2: Quality (The Tuition Centre’s Testimonials)
Looking at one’s credentials alone is not enough. It’s important to look at the testimonials as well as it gives you some insight as to the teaching quality of the tuition centre. As much as it is tempting to judge a tuition centre by the results his students are able to achieve, it is equally important to read the qualitative feedback given by both the parents and students.
What they say gives you an idea of how the tuition centre might be like. You will want to look for a tuition centre with tutors not only able to teach but also connect well with their students.
Ultimately, you want your child to be taught by people who are not only knowledgeable but also a role model in life. You want a tuition centre with tutors that teach the right values.
Factor #3: Style (The Tuition Centre’s Way of Conducting Lessons)
This is important as every child learns differently. It is crucial that you understand what kind of learner your child is. Reading the testimonials will give you an idea of the tuition centre’s teaching style/ teaching methodology. Alternatively, you can contact the tuition centre directly to find out more.
Factor #4: Size (The Class Size)
Smaller class size would mean that more students will be able to have their questions answered more frequently and the tuition centre will be able to cater to each individual students’ needs. It would also mean that the tuition centre will have a more manageable class size.
Factor #5: Practicality (The Location and The Budget)
In terms of practicality, there are two things to consider:
The Location
Think about this, tuition usually takes place after school or during the weekends. It is not practical for your child to travel far just because there is a better tuition centre somewhere far away from home. Not only will it be tiring for your child but a lot of time will also be wasted on travelling.
Your Budget
It is important to keep in mind that tuition is not cheap. However, it may be necessary for your child and if all goes well, the payoff can be worth it. This goes back to considering whether your child really needs tuition in the first place. Your child might just need a bit more discipline in studying instead.
And that’s it! We hope that our short guide on how to choose the good tuition centre has been informative for you.
At the end of the day, your child will play a pivotal role in determining the outcome of his/her grades. He/she will be the one taking the exam anyway. Regardless of how good that tuition centre can be, there is no way to achieve better results if the student is not willing to learn and improve.
What’s most important is that your child is committed because it is ultimately up to him/her to kick that winning goal!
If you are looking for POA Tuition Classes, please drop us an enquiry.
Also, be sure to check out our POA Tuition FREE TRIAL Programme to help you make a more informed decision!